Culex Mosquito

Culex mosquito is a common house mosquito and one of the major types that inhabit the planet. It typically obtains blood meals from birds and is therefore not considered too much of a health threat compared to Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes.
However, it cannot be ignored that this mosquito remains a vector for varying diseases that can be fatal to humans. They include West Nile virus, Japanese encephalitis, Avian malaria, filariasis, St. Louis encephalitis and arbovirus infections.
Female mosquitoes can deposit 100 eggs up to 300 eggs at a go and it only takes as little as two days for the eggs to hatch. The larva lives in water for at least a week before emerging to the surface occasionally to get oxygen. At the pupa phase it floats on the water surface and rests to transform into adult mosquito.
The mosquito remains on the water surface stationary when it enters adult phase until the body has hardened fully and the wings dry and ready for flying. Females then find mates and blood feeds before laying eggs.
Because mosquitos including the culex mosquito can transmit diseases, you really cannot take your chances. To control them start by eliminating all stagnant water around where you are and ensure that you get leaks and damp areas taken care of so that proper drying takes place.
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